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We're Keeping YOU Informed

As we continue to work with trapper, Jay Laparouse, to remove invasive nutria, please also be on the lookout for another invasive species - apple snails.

"Apple snails are a species invasive to Louisiana. They reproduce rapidly and are known for crowding lakes, ponds, and bayous with their myriad egg masses.

Conscientious boat riders can help with the spread by knocking the masses into the water, preventing the snails from hatching. The LSU AgCenter said any skin that makes contact with the eggs should be washed thoroughly."

You can read more about them HERE: https://www.wbrz.com/news/it-s-apple-snail-season-again-lsu-agcenter-warns-curious-culinarians

** We have received several emails about Apple Snail egg sightings in BBH. If you are able, please knock theses masses into the water to prevent the eggs from hatching. This species is incredibly invasive. **